Its overpriced and WONT help you while in costa rica!
Im writing this review from my hotel balcony in mal pais costa rica. I made it here with no help from this extremely overpriced app.
Seriously, this thing stinks. MAYBE if it cost half as much it might be worth buying this thing...if you like things that cost alot and dont do anything.
My gripes? Well, lemme tell you...
It crashes non-stop. Good times when youre deep in the costa rica back country and are relying on it to guide you thru like a real gps should. It went down EVERY 5 minutes and required you to input all your info again upon startup. Eventually we just gave up and paid a local on horseback to guide us to the main road. For the record, it did this in the otel room before we even hit any kind of wilderness so dont let em fool you into believing this thing will work for you!
Or how about the fact that there is NO INSTRUCTIONS OR SUPPORT INCLUDED! Really, who sells a $20 app without some kind of instructions page or at least a link to the website where you can find out how to work the product?
All in all, good idea, horrible product. In the end, im out $20, still in CR and looking at a map just like i was before i bought this garbage.
El Wadd about
Costa Rica GPS Map